A downloadable game

  • Are you looking to get started with Solo Roleplaying, but aren’t sure where to begin?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complicated rules and countless systems?
  • Do you spend a lot of time prepping, but struggle to actually start playing?

This game is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to dive into solo roleplaying, and complete your first adventure. You will learn a straightforward, novice-friendly, zero-prep, step-by-step framework for improvising fun storytelling-focused adventures, one 10-minute scene at a time.

In seven steps, you will complete your first mini-adventure, and learn how to improvise stories that can turn into a series of longer adventures or campaigns. You will start playing immediately, complete the game quickly, and see how simple and straightforward solo roleplaying can be.

Despite the simplicity, this framework has enough depth to support any story you can imagine, and works well for advanced players and long-term campaigns.

You should try this game if:

  • You're new to solo roleplaying, and it feels complex and overwhelming.
  • You get bogged down in worldbuilding and character creation, you prep a lot, but struggle to dive in and actually start roleplaying (people say "prep is play", but prep can also be a form of procrastination).
  • You struggle with "paradox of choice" and "analysis paralysis" - you read many rulesets and supplements, but can't choose one. You're looking for a simple game to help you get started.
  • You like games focused on storytelling, roleplay, and making up creative ideas (rather than crunchy mechanics).
  • You're busy and want a simple way to play short 5-10 minute games.
  • You're looking for a creative tool that will help you discover and develop worldbuilding and character ideas as you play.

Check out my other projects

  • Come join our Discord community to play and share your adventures with us!
  • Get free adventures for roleplaying games here.
  • Mirage is a one-page roleplaying game for people who love collaborative storytelling, improvisation, and freeform roleplay.
  • Strangeville Files is a lighthearted, storytelling-focused game where you’ll improvise supernatural mysteries in the style of Gravity Falls, Scooby Doo, Inside Job, X-Files, Men in Black, SCP Foundation.
  • Worlds Weird and Wonderful is a worldbuilding game about exploring the multiverse and creating weird ideas and worlds that defy our expectations (the style of “Rick and Morty” and “Gravity Falls”). Use it as a starting point for your adventures, and a great way to brainstorm interesting settings.
  • Story Deck is a collection of prompts you can use to inspire Locations, Characters, and Objectives for your stories.
  • If you have any feedback or ideas on how I could make this game better, please  reach out and let me know what you think!
    Discord: lumenwrites
    Email: lumenwrites@gmail.com
  • See my other TTRPG games, projects, and adventures here: https://rpgadventures.io/


quick-quest-spreads.pdf 12 MB
quick-quest-pages.pdf 13 MB
solo-roleplay-made-simple-pages.pdf (New version of the game) 15 MB

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